Thursday, December 19, 2013

A book by Sara Horn "My So-Called Life As A Submissive Wife" Review

In Exchange for a fair and honest review I was sent a copy of “My So-Called Life As A Submissive Wife”. This book can be purchased from Sara Horn's website at:

I loved reading Sara's first book “My So-Called Life as a Proverbs 31 Wife” not only because I found it chop full of humor but also because it inspired me to attempt my own Proverbs 31 experiment. Since I found Sara's Proverbs 31 book to be such a great and inspiring read, I was really excited to have the opportunity to review her latest, “My So-Called Life As A Submissive Wife”.

The topic alone is intimidating because submission is not an easy trait to take on and personally, I find it hard to be submissive as a wife. My husband and I have always worked well from a 50/50 base, we each have equal say, we are each equal partners and all that. The 50/50 frame we work from isn't one of equal spilt as in he does ABC and I do XYZ but it is one were we come together and work side by side as equals in all areas of marriage, parenting and life A through Z. Reading a book on being a submissive wife was going to be challenging. When I told my husband, his honest reaction was laughter. He then told me I don't have a submissive bone in my body. Challenge accepted.

“My So-Called Life As A Submissive Wife” is an interesting look at Sara (the author) down in the trenches of her own experiment being the submissive wife the Bible talks about. She wrote about this time in her marriage as she attempted to put her faith in God above all else and then place her husband second, only to the big man above, and herself last. Page after page of real life accounts on what being submissive was looking like in their marriage I loved seeing how her submission to her husband softened his heart toward her and she found freedom in submitting to a God fearing husband (which is IMPORTANT because I do not believe you can submit to any husband who is not God fearing).

There were big changes that happened with the Horn family as Sara worked on taking on a more submissive character as a wife, and then there were some small changes too – it goes to show, that really every little thing matters when it comes to our decisions and our actions. One example was when they were taking a trip to Disney World and there was a mild fanny pack debacle – was that funny! Another when a gecko dropped in for a visit – another moment that had me laughing. But, you'll have to read the book to get those funny stories, I won't be ruining any written pleasures from within that books pages here.

I found that although I didn't know where I stood on the submissive wife topic reading this book was not like finger nails dragging across a chalkboard (sorry to all who are now hearing the screech of that mental memory). Reading this book was great because Sara is so honest and open and down to earth in her writing and reading I feel as though I can relate, relate, relate! At the end of the book I thought, if she could do it and see positive changes, maybe (just maybe) I might try it too. But what it did do was have me pulling open my Bible and looking up all the passages about wives and submission to see what God does expect of me specifically on that topic and putting into action what I gathered from that.
I think if you get the “My So-Called Life As A Submissive Wife” you should definitely get her book before that also, “My So-Called Life As A Proverbs 31 Wife” and go ahead and read them both back to back.

I would love to hear from you if you are reading, have read or plan to read either of these two completely awesome books! What did you think of them? How did you use them in your marriage?


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