Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Considering Our Prayer Life

Considering our prayer life in walking with God.

To continue in the Walking with God series where it was first noted that to walk with God we, as Christians, should be asking God into our hearts - daily.  The next measured step we should be taking is to spend time in prayer.

Answer for yourself these questions:  What is the quality of my prayer life?  Do I feel it brings me spiritually closer to our Father who art in Heaven?  Maybe, your prayer life is non existent, needs a little tune up or is just fine where it is but it's always a good idea to re-evaluate the state of your prayer life on occasion so we don't fall out of tune with where we need to be.  I've re-examined mine a little while back, and realized that my own prayer life was in need of a little fine tuning (and I'm sure glad I did because God is so good - I wouldn't want to let my relationship with Him fall by the wayside).

To be honest I used to think praying at night was all I needed to do to fulfill the "good christian" quota - wow, was I wrong.  I would pray every night because I was being dutiful, like one of those things one must do in life: Students must do homework, writers must write, and of course Christians must pray - that is all true.  Yet it's not about meeting a requirement, what it is about is the desire of the heart.

Could you imagine if we only talked with our Husbands just as often as we prayed?  Now, if we're an avid prayer - then you'd have it made, a great relationship with God and one happy husband.  On the other hand if you are not much a prayer, this scenario would leave you with one unhappy husband and estranged from your Heavenly Father, the Prince of Peace, the Great and Mighty Counselor .... not someone you're willing to live without is it?  I didn't think so, me neither - let's let Him know it!

Prayer is about wanting that relationship with God and turning to Him at any time, day or night - one time or fifty times.  I love having reached that realization and find my prayer life is so much more fuller as is my relationship with God because the condition of my heart has changed.  I WANT to know Him, I WANT to spend time with Him and I WANT to walk with Him.  When we pray it shouldn't be done with the sense of simply doing what we know we ought.  When we pray it should be because we have the desire to turn to God, to know Him, to ask of Him, to give Him thanks, to praise Him, just as we are told.

James 5:13-15;
"Is any one of you in trouble?  He should pray.  Is anyone happy?  Let him sing songs of praise.  Is anyone of you sick?  He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord." [NIV]

How many times in one day do you think God is there for you?  I can help you answer that, all day every day.  Sometimes it is so easy to get caught up in the many moments that seem to sweep us up that we forget to turn to God, or we make a mental note: "note to self, thank God later  ....".  One thing worth knowing though, is that God is always here for us (for he is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient) let's not ignore that - or Him, let us instead, turn to Him.

In the book of Matthew 7:7 we are told;
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." [NIV].

In the book of James 4:8;
"Come near to God and he will come near to you." [NIV].

So to get started on our walk with God today, let us ask, let us seek, and let us find!  It is through prayer that we can develop a deeper relationship with our Lord and Savior.  Let us turn to God all day everyday.

May God Bless you all and as always, check back for my future posts :)

Friday, March 9, 2012

Walking with God

Walking with God.  This is something we all should be wanting to do, I know I am - aren't you?  How does one walk with God?

To walk with God would be more than following the examples left to us in the Bible, for if that is all we do - aren't we leaving something out?  Not really walking with God - is it?  To walk with God we need to first invite Him to share in our days, after all once we have invited the Holy Spirit to indwell in our hearts we're halfway there.

Just like any relationship - it takes work.  Don't confuse this with meaning salvation takes work - no it does not.  However to walk with God, yes working for that relationship is important.  Just like walking we must first decided to take that first step (and then another, and another ..... and still another - if we're to get anywhere).

So, First things first.  Let's ask God into our hearts daily.  This is how we can take that first step to walking with God.

I've got my walking shoes on and today I'm asking God - Will you walk with me? and I'm asking you - Will you be doing the same?

God Bless you all I hope today's post has inspired you to ask God to join you today as you go about your day to be with you as your Mighty Counselor, Prince of Peace.  (Writing this has reminded me to!)